Why is Rving growing as a movement?

People are yearning for a different American Dream.
The tagline on my blog, More Than A Wheelin’, is “A Different American Dream.” That’s what it felt like we’d found when we made the decision to take up RVing full time. My husband and I each grew up with the idea of a familiar, fail-proof roadmap in our heads: go to school, get a job, get a house with a nice green lawn, save for retirement and maybe buy an RV someday, etc. We had built our whole lives according to this blueprint, and when we decided to step off the beaten path, it felt like we were discovering a completely different American Dream. This new dream didn’t look like what we were told it was supposed to look like. It was a dream that we imagined for ourselves.

RVing can help you live more simply.
Owning things is a huge part of the American Dream. Part of the blueprint involves buying a home so you can then buy stuff to put in your home. Some of the stuff is useful and some — probably more than you realize — is useless. In fact, instead of owning your material things, your material things start to own you. My husband and I felt that way as we started to purge our belongings. It’s amazing how you can fill an entire garage (and then some) with objects you never use!

RVs support an active and balanced lifestyle.

RVing is more cost-effective than other forms of travel.

Getting internet in an RV has gotten a lot easier.
If you follow RV bloggers who have been around for a while, like Technomadia, they write about how mobile internet was not much of an option when they started out. Limited access to the internet was a barrier for many prospective RVers who wanted or needed to be online.

RVing communities bring RVers together.

Social media has had a big influence on RVing

The RV movement is expected to grow.
What really strikes me about the RV movement is how RVing truly appeals to all ages. It’s not only for retirees or hardcore outdoor adventurers. CNBC reported that in 2017, millennials (people born between the early 1980s and early 2000s) pushed sales to record highs. The RVIA reported that RV sales are expected to grow as aging baby boomers enter the age range in which RV ownership has historically been highest. In other words, every generation loves to RV! How many other movements can claim that?

The RV movement is a huge opportunity for savvy RV owners. If you don’t live in yours full time, consider renting your RV, camper or trailer to someone looking to experience the joys of the open road! (You can make some serious money, too.)