Before Your RV Trip
1. Not packing enough food (or packing too much!)

2. Not making reservations

- Some campgrounds only allow motorhomes and trailers less than 10 years of age
- A campground may not have campsites long enough for your generously sized Class A vehicle.
- If RVing with kids, RV parks may charge a child tax that you aren’t willing to pay.
- Some RV parks are only for seniors
- And of course, an RV park may simply be full by the time you get there.
3. Not planning your route
Maybe you love the feeling of driving in a car, unconcerned with routes or plans. But the fact is, getting lost in an RV is not like getting lost in a car. It’s really stressful!. Where can I turn around safely? Are they any low bridges I need to worry about if I continue down this road? Am I legally allowed to make this turn? Can I cross this intersection without causing a traffic jam? Planning your route in advance can help you avoid any blunders. The Rand McNally Atlas and Trucker’s Atlas list low-clearance roads, truck stops, and more. Online tools like the Good Sam Club trip planner or are also great for planning the perfect RV road trip route.

At the RV Park Or Campground
4. Not following camp etiquette
No matter how much you feel at home there, a campground is not your backyard. There are certain rules that should be followed to ensure every RVer has a good time.- Read and follow the camp or RV park rules.
- Don’t play your music too loudly or for too long.
- Avoid walking through other RVers’ campsites. Going around to the bathhouse isn’t going to hurt you.
- Let the kids have fun, but make sure they are aware of others around them and of the campground rules.
- Drive slowly. If you feel like you may be going too fast, you are.
- Don’t engine for more than a few minutes — it can be disturbing to your neighbors.
- Pick up after your pets and keep them on a leash at all times.
5. Leaving your curtains up at night

Packing Up Your RV
6. Being underprepared at the dump station

7. Forgetting to do the walk-around
Before you hit the road, you must walk around your RV. Check to ensure everything is put away and in its proper place for highway driving. Now do it again. Two walk-arounds may seem excessive, but trust me, spending a few extra minutes checking your RV is better than driving off with your awning still out or your sewer hose dragging behind you. (Yes, that really does happen. We RVers call these “drive off disasters.”)

- Do a walk-around and check your antenna, lights, tow vehicle connections, windows and vents
- Make sure that your storage doors are closed and locked
- Check that your cupboards and fridge doors are secure
- Test your turn signals, brakes and headlights for safety
On The Road
8. Moving too quickly
RVs are great for many things. Moving quickly is not one of them. Driving under pressure may lead to some bad decisions. You may pack up too quickly and forget to secure items in and outside the rig. Or you could drive too fast and put yourself and your passengers at risk, not to mention the other vehicles on the road. An RV — whether it’s a motorhome or a towed vehicle — really shouldn’t be flying down the highway. And the fact is, trying to cover too much ground in too little time is incredibly stressful. Avoid cramming too much experience into your short window of vacation time. Slow down and really enjoy the RV experience by taking it one day at a time.

9. Ignoring sounds and signs that something is wrong

The Biggest Mistake
The biggest mistake an RV newbie can make?10. Giving up on your RV dreams because you think you’re not up to the task.
The fact is, RVing can be challenging, but it doesn’t have to be hard. Don’t be afraid to admit your mistakes and ask for help from other RVers. Most slip ups are minor and can be chalked up to learning experience — and a good story to tell around your next campfire. Do your homework, pay attention and stay calm. (And seriously, do that second walk-around.)Renting an RV is a fantastic way to get into the RV life. And with Campanda, you’re backed by a support system of some really excellent people — not to mention 24/7 roadside assistance (just in case).